With Hurricane Harvey pounding Texas and Southern Louisiana, we look at our fellow man with profound sadness. Many families will lose their homes and valuables during this storm. Our prayers go out to them, and we urge our friends and neighbors to join us in donating to the rescue effort.

Here in the northern Louisiana, we don't often deal with the full force of hurricanes because of our distance from the gulf coast, but we do encounter tropical storm winds like Harvey (as it passes by in the next day), tornadoes, hail, and strong thunderstorms.

After a storm, remember to look up at your roof. We have had many strong storms go through our area over the past few years, and those storms have done significant damage to roofs. How would you know if your roof is damaged? Check the ceilings in your home for water spots, check the roof for missing, blown, buckled or unaligned shingles. If you think something is amiss, by all means call Southern Roofing to provide you with a free roof inspection. We may not get hurricane force wind from Harvey, but we will get rain; and rain is the true enemy of a house with a bad roof.